Audison bit DRC MP Controller



  • Please note: This product will ship directly from the manufacturer

The new Audison DRC MP (Digital Remote Control Multimedia Play) is compatible with all Audison products featuring AC Link bus. Its slim profile along with the supplied holder make for easy installation in the most convenient position in your car. The new Joystick with ?Rubber Touch? finish allows for positive control about the four direction axis, the ‘DRC Settings’ menu can be adjusted and navigation is also possible through the ‘Navy Command’ function if the system features an Audison bit Play HD with video output connected to a monitor.

Default Menu:

Master Volume, Subwoofer Volume, Fader, Balance, Source selector (Aux 1, Aux 2,

Digital Electric, Digital Optical).

DRC Settings:

Keybord color, Keybord brightness, Display brightness, Discreet screen, Main

screen logo (through the DRC MP joystick).

DSP Memory*:

Audison compatible products memories selection.

DSP Settings*:

Dynamic EQ, Bass Boost, AutoIN Level Adj.

Player Menu**:

bit Play HD off delay.

Navy Command**:

navigation of bit Play HD (through the DRC MP joystick).

* Available only with compatible Audison products connected

**Available only with bit Play HD connected

Technical Specification:

Cable length 4.5m/ 177″



W x H x D (mm/inch): 87 x 36 x11 / 3.45 x 1.41 x 0.43

DRC MP holder:

W x H (mm/inch): 92 x 41 / 3.62 x 1.61


Audison Prima: AP8.9 bit, AP5.9 bit, AP4.9 bit

Audison bit: bit One, bit Ten, bit Ten D, bit Play HD

Audison Thesis: TH uno, TH due, TH quattro

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